Thursday, June 24, 2010

3 Ways to healthy food fat loss food make

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Of jade Teta ND, CSCS

A healthy diet is no fat loss diet.Choosing healthy food is a good start and you may lose some weight, but are your objectives probably fat loss aid.Heard tell us it before, but fat loss and weight loss are not identical.Burn calories and weight to lose, but that weight and the calories can loss sein.Fett may not bold or food on the other hand are almost always healthy food and provides new distinction between healthy food and bold weight lose fat kommt.So loss food? to the difference understand need only remember three things.

(1) Protein, carbohydrate ratio of foods

(2) The carbohydrate to FAT ratio of foods

(3) Fiber foods to carbohydrate ratio

  The protein CARB ratio of food:

Most people get gefangen.Sie total amounts of things want to know the total calories. The total fat. How many grams of fiber, and so on. The problem is the body works in related. Food is information for the body. Everytime eat send a hormonal "software program" to your body, which says save fat or burn fat. Different nutrients send different signals. Therefore, these signals conditions determine the metabolic result.

  In the case of protein and carbohydrates role their circumstances one tonne. Carbohydrates, means incidentally biochemical sugar or glucose. A carbohydrate is any starchy or sugar laden food. Think a range of cakes, cookies and candy to whole grains, beans and potatoes.This starchy sugary food signal of body storage hormone is not Insulin.Dies necessarily helps a terrible thing because insulin nutrients, received in the cell. However, a storage hormone becomes much insulin to store carbohydrates, protein and fat will work as Dick. The other matter insulin is is works to block fat in town.If insulin, is not only about fat is stored are but it can't be burned either.

Glucagon is insulin alter ego. It helps the action increasing the fat from memory share message and reverse the burning of insulin. Protein signal insulin and glucagon frees rather more than less it create a balance of hormones fat. The higher the protein relative to the Stärke/in calls a food more signal of the fat burning sugar sent. If you want more fat burning must therefore this ratio to correct.

To enable the healthy food in fat loss food reduce the Carbs and to the protein.This has another key advantage. Protein is digested more slowly and evenly compared to carbohydrates, the him impact on hunger hormones and Energie.Immer holds, for more, hunger and was the reduction, and are more stable and sustainable energy more protein relative to the Carbs.

The carbohydrate fat ratio of food: 

Protein and carbohydrates, fat and carbohydrate must and maintained.Again, if think fat loss think conditions.You now know insulin in response to strength sugar shared will. Bold is hormonal neutral if it is, but if you you in dump with power - as trigger gasoline on a fire. Bold combined with sugar and starch significantly increases insulin response to a Mahlzeit.Die worst combination for fat ice, bagels with cream cheese, are loss pizzas and Burger.Nicht only because these foods are high Calorie, but because they are loaded with fat and sugar strength. If you want to burn fat, avoid then this combination is best. Protein and fat is ironically not nearly so harmful.

The fiber carbohydrate ratio of food:

Another factor that the impact of carbohydrates and insulin blunts is fiber.Dont make the error amount back to absolute or total denken.Es agrees that grains have more fiber than most foods, but come with a proud dose of insulin strength and share.Many fruits and vegetables have a much more balanced fiber on carbohydrates balance.Fiber protein food slows down and sugar easier regulates absorption.This forces the body to respond to the food more evenly and requires much less Insulin.Wie protein fiber with the release of hunger helps hormones.Whole grains can be healthy but vegetables are more fat loss for these reasons.

Here are 5 fast examples load balancing these 3 ratios for fat loss:

(1) With a healthy oatmeal recipe will add many people nuts, berries, flaxseeds, and organic milk and honey.Instead, try this fat loss oatmeal Rezept.Entscheiden you for oat bran instead of oatmeal.This increases the fiber and protein of cereals and reduces the carbohydrates.Add your favorite protein powder to a few scoops.Give the milk and honey, and take the Beeren.Verringern quantity of nuts, only 2 or 3, but you into pieces smash and distributed to.Add cinnamon and nutmeg for taste and using stevia or XYLITOL to sweeten to.

(2) A whole wheat chicken sandwich is healthy salad, but instead try to do so.Throw bread way completely and double you tomato and onion salad.Opt for grilled chicken breast and throw the Mayo.Wickeln you the chicken tomatoes and onion in the salad and food.

(3) Yoghurt with fruit and Granola is healthy, but try this Verlust.Entscheiden for bold for a higher protein & low fat of Greek yoghurt, and add a small amount trigger your preferred Whey Protein.Jetzt in 3 sliced strawberries and a little stevia for sweet.

(4) Whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and vegetables is gesund.versuchen this a sulphate loss food machen.Ersetzen Shirataki noodles ( for Pasta.Jetzt chicken or Turkey Meatballs and a low sodium marinara Add.

(5) A low fat blueberry muffin can appear healthy but try this for bold Verlust.stellen pancake, by protein mixing almond essence milk, almond essence flour, oat bran, protein and Whey Protein.Kochen you in a pan with low fat spray kochen.Auf XYLITOL and cinnamon sprinkle and food.

Finally, if it really is fat loss you are their meals protein and vegetables by 80% sollte.Runden become up the other 20% with the tricks and their healthy eating will be a fat loss diet.

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